BO-47-2658 : Great Northern Dock & Pacific Mills



This is a great shot of the Great Northern Dock, Pacific Mills Limited and the Packers buildings. There’s a huge amount of rail activity in the area and check out the scrap yards near the bottom of the frame. They appear to be filled with World War 2 aircraft pieces. The intersection near the lower-right is the corner of East Cordova and Raymur Ave.

[Total: 8    Average: 4.5/5]

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BO-47-2658 (Digital Download)From $25.00
BO-47-2658 (Paper Print)From $30.00


  1. MargoReply
    September 3, 2017 at 7:34 pm

    i’m adding to my prev comment – I note that the large building to the “left” (west) of the fleet of fish boats says “NHB Fish Dock” — so obviously that’s National Harbours Board – which was divested in 1983 I think —- it’s searchable on internet. I wonder if these boats are the same design from Burrard Shipyards – the seiner on Canada’s former 5 dollar paper bill.

  2. MargoReply
    September 3, 2017 at 11:15 am

    thank you for posting a new-old image —- look at all the matching fishing boats too — in two different boat types/ sizes it would appear —- I wonder which cannery / fish packer was down there. I wonder if any were the boats taken from Japanese during the War a few years prior to this photo. It sure looks like a lot of seagulls on the roof of the building to the east of the fish boats!
    Thank you again for continuing with sorting out the pictures from your family.

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