Image Index PDF Now Online


As you may have read in our Background Information, there are three flight index books which contain descriptions of all of the photographs.  In the past, when someone requests a particular area, I would have to flip through hundreds of handwritten pages hoping to find keywords that might indicate I was in the right area.  Now, after many months of typing, I have transcribed all three books and turned them into a single, searchable, PDF document so that anyone can search for images.  The PDF file is located in the menu item “Image Index“.

This PDF file will be a “work-in-progress” and will be updated often.  Some of the negatives are not available, they may have been sold to clients, lost, or destroyed.  As we come across those, I will use strikethru font to indicate these negatives are not available.  Images scanned and posted online will be marked in green, and poor quality images will be marked in yellow.

This will take the duty of finding images off of myself and allow me a bit more time scanning and touching up negatives.



  1. stanley strazza
    January 24, 2013 at 7:05 pm

    thanx for sharin’ those awesome photos with us

  2. Bill Osselton
    January 23, 2013 at 10:08 pm

    Mark, I just want to thank you for the work you are putting into all this. I am mostly interested only in the views around Victoria, although it is interesting compare the empty spaces in mainland areas which are now so built up. Many of us oldters must be getting a lot of pleasure from them, Thanks!

    • January 23, 2013 at 10:34 pm
      Well Said Bill , Being Born and Raised in Victoria , I am in the same Boat as you. and Thanks Mark for all your Work and Trying to keep everybody Happy .