Major Website Update
Hi everyone, there have been some pretty major changes to the Vintage Air Photos website over the past few days. The site has a new look, an updated zoom plugin which no longer pops up a new window, an updated store front, the star rating system has been updated, the highest rated image list has been repaired, and many more changes “behind the scenes.” Hopefully the upgrade has gone smoothly, but if you notice any odd behavior on the part of the website, please drop a comment in the Contact Us page.
A couple of items that had to be removed :
1) The “Click here to open a similar view in Google Earth” had to be disabled. Google changed the format of their viewer and all the information we had entered for each image no longer works. It is possible to re-enter the data but it takes quite a while for each image, so if you see the button, it works, if it’s not there, the Google Earth location information hasn’t been updated for that particular image.
2) Requests. For now the requests page has been archived. Sadly, I just don’t have the time to properly look into each individual request. I originally had high hopes of continually scanning and posting images, but in reality that just wasn’t possible.
I think that’s it. Thanks for your support over the years and I hope you like the new site.