

This is a slightly different view of Victoria from 1947. Looking south down Government and Douglas Streets from roughly Herald Street. You can see all the way to the ocean.

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  1. DavidReply
    November 5, 2013 at 9:48 am

    Blanshard does not line up between Cormorant and Pandora… looks like it soon will

  2. Greg WindwickReply
    September 22, 2012 at 1:06 am

    The Odeon Theatre is under construction in this image.

  3. Greg WindwickReply
    August 26, 2012 at 11:11 am

    Look at the little gas station just across Cormorant St. from City Hall. Pan half a block to the right and you can see the narrow tower behind #1 Firehall where fire hoses were hung to dry.

  4. Nelson KennedyReply
    July 4, 2012 at 9:14 am

    This is the Legislature Building-there is only one Parliament in Canada, and it is in Ottawa…….
    Great pictures.
    Thank you

    • MarkReply
      July 4, 2012 at 12:00 pm
      Thanks for the correction. I've made the change. :-)
    • Pamela GrantReply
      August 1, 2013 at 1:15 am
      This is entirely incorrect. They are correctly called the Parliament Buildings (as named by the architect, Francis Rattenbury) and colloquially, as the Legislature. The body that works there is referred to as the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, and I am the in the 3rd of 4 generations of my family to work there. Further, as Canada uses the parliamentary model of government, there are in fact many "parliaments" in Canada. They are reflections of the Westminster model, including the National Assembly of Quebec. The correct term for the body in Ottawa is the Parliament of Canada, colloquially known as Parliament.
      • Nelson KennedyReply
        August 3, 2013 at 8:21 pm
        I appreciate your cogent argument; however, I turned to an old friend, recently retired as the legal counsel to the House of Commons in Ottawa. He said Nelson - She's more right than wrong, I suppose. If one were attracted to argument and prepared to seem rather pedantic, one might challenge her use of the term Parliament for provincial legislative buildings inasmuch as provincial legislatures in Canada are all uni-cameral, that is, they have only one chamber so arguably the buildings do not constitute a Parliament in the traditional sense of the bi-cameral British model, which is only seen in Ottawa (and with other parliamentary systems of government, though perhaps not with the Australian states). If you want to go way back (to the 13th c.?), the term "Parliament" originated as a term to refer to a meeting of the King with his magnates, who were later joined with some selected commoners. Where they met and how they met or in what buildings they met was immaterial: it was a meeting or conference with the King that made it a Parliament. I hope this helps. Rob Walsh
  5. Ken JohnsonReply
    June 18, 2012 at 4:14 pm

    A great photo. You can see the Hudson Bay store in the lower left before they added the last two eastern bays in 1948

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